14 And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.
Christmas is past; and the celebration which begins earlier each year, will soon be over. Yet Christmas is never over. It never ends. It is hidden in every day, every word, every deed of our lives.
As we celebrate the Word which became flesh and lived among us, we also celebrate the Word becoming flesh - our flesh - and living still in our midst.
We are to live our words and live The Word so that even our flesh becomes a presence of the God who became human and dwelt among us in Jesus.
For God’s living word - God’s best word to us - is seen before it is heard. felt before it is known, experienced before it is understood, lived before it can be spoken.
God became flesh and lived among us so we could best know God in the most human way possible. And that is also how we share God - by living God’s word of love.
“The most important question for me is not, ‘How do I touch people?’ but, ‘How do I live the word I am speaking?” Henri Nouwen:
Indeed, Christmas is not just once a year. It is never over. It is yesterday, today, and forever, as the Word becomes flesh - in us - and lives among us.
Indeed, Christmas is every day!

Prayer thought for the week: “Lord, help me keep Christmas all year long, with joy and thankfulness.”
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