14 "I am the Good Shepherd. I know my own sheep and my own sheep know me.
Life is not discovered in things, objects and possessions; life is discovered in all its fullness in being known and in knowing, in relationships!
Herman Wouk, author of “The Caine Mutiny” wrote after his seeming success in finding the fullness of life,
“It was my lot to reach quite young what many people consider
the dream life of America: success by my own efforts,
a stream of dollars to spend, a penthouse in New York,
forays to Hollywood, the companionship of pretty women,
all before l was 24. There I was in the realms of gold.
But even as I lived this conventional smart existence
of inner show business and dreamed the conventional dreams,
IT ALL SEEMED THIN.” (Sept, 21, 1959, Time Magazine)
Life is relationships. It is knowing and being known. The fullness of life is discovered in the touch of others, and in the touch of the One who came that we might have life. Who calls us by name and knows us intimately, so we can be totally honest with him. When we hear his voice and follow him we discover life all the way up.

“There are people who use up
their entire lives making money
so they can enjoy the lives
they have entirely used up.”
Frederick Buechner
Prayer thought for the week: “Lord, keep me in touch this week with what is really
important, people not things. And You!”
Love it! Preach it!