31 Then he left the region of Tyre, went through Sidon back to Galilee Lake and over to the district of the Ten Towns. 32 Some people brought a man who could neither hear nor speak and asked Jesus to lay a healing hand on him. 33 He took the man off by himself, put his fingers in the man's ears and some spit on the man's tongue. 34 Then Jesus looked up in prayer, groaned mightily, and commanded, "Ephphatha! - Open up!" 35 And it happened. The man's hearing was clear and his speech plain - just like that. 36 Jesus urged them to keep it quiet, but they talked it up all the more, 37 beside themselves with excitement. "He's done it all and done it well. He gives hearing to the deaf, speech to the speechless."
They couldn’t keep quiet about it; but they didn’t say all there was to say..
They missed the most important point - that these miracles, as with all miracles, means that salvation has come to our earth! God has come to dwell with us in human from, in the man Jesus to heal ALL our infirmities, not just of the body but of the spirit as well!
There is a healing and a wholeness which is deeper then the physical. He has come that all might be saved (be made whole from within) and come to the knowledge of the truth.
To be so saved is to be open to God’s love moving in our lives and through our lives into our world. It is to be able to smile, no matter what, and to be a beautiful, healing person for others. Physical handicaps cannot keep a ‘whole person’ down. They simply radiate joy and love, and bring healing into living. This is Christ in us, the love of God making us whole!

“It isn't easy, but I believe that God
is in all of this. With every obstacle,
a way has opened up to provide what I have needed through this entire ordeal. God keeps amazing me!"
A cancer patient
Prayer thought for the week: “Lord, help me to see your love in all that happens to me, not always in ways I like, but in ways which keep amazing me.”
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