13 “Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.
14-16 “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
We can’t just talk it; we have to live it! We have to be it!
And that takes a lot of doing. A lot of faith in compassion as the heart of God and the moral compass which directs our living.
Jesus did not come to make us religious; Jesus came to make it possible for us to live with God in a meaningful, dynamic, life giving relationship of love. And then to love as we have been loved!
We live under a new law - the law of love.
We are to be kind not just religious; compassionate not self-righteous; concerned about all, not just the chosen few.

“…a true Christian ought to be more interested
in making the life of the world gentle for others
than he( she) should be in asserting the dominance of his (her) own faith."
Jon Meacham
Prayer thought for the week: “Lord, may my life be lived so my faith makes a difference in someones life…someone I do not even know. Help me to be kind to strangers in love for you.”
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