40 "We are intimately linked in this harvest work. Anyone who accepts what you do, accepts me, the One who sent you. Anyone who accepts what I do accepts my Father, who sent me. 41 Accepting a messenger of God is as good as being God's messenger. Accepting someone's help is as good as giving someone help.
This is a large work I've called you into, but don't be overwhelmed by it. It's best to start small. 42 Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance. The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice. You won't lose out on a thing."
Most of the time it is the small things which make a big difference.
Unnoticed by most, unheralded by the media, not even posted on Facebook.
Just an anonymous act of kindness which brighteners someone's life and lifts their spirit.
When this happens God smiles and says "way to go! Keep it up. You too will be blessed by your kindness.”
We are seeing a lot of this in these difficult times. Our news which is mostly bad, often ends with what is called ‘soft’ news. Someone doing something small which amounts to a lot in someone else’s life. This is the blessing hidden in the face of struggle and it is what God calls us all to do. As Mother Teresa said, do “small things with great love!

“We do not know the limits
of the redeeming power
of the small.
Perhaps there are none.”
Walter Wink
Prayer thought for the week: “Lord, help me to remember that little things
are big to you…and make a difference in your Kingdom on earth.”
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