“15 That's when the Pharisees plotted a way to trap him into saying something damaging. 16 They sent their disciples, with a few of Herod's followers mixed in, to ask, "Teacher, we know you have integrity, teach the way of God accurately, are indifferent to popular opinion, and don't pander to your students. 17 So tell us honestly: Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" 18 Jesus knew they were up to no good. He said, "Why are you playing these games with me? Why are you trying to trap me? 19 Do you have a coin? Let me see it." They handed him a silver piece. 20 "This engraving - who does it look like? And whose name is on it?" 21 They said, "Caesar." "Then give Caesar what is his, and give God what is his." 22 The Pharisees were speechless. They went off shaking their heads.”
Life isn’t black or white. It is made up of the shades of gray. It is not just having the answers; it is living with questions, struggles, even dilemmas. When ever we ask a question which begs a “yes” or “no” answer, we are either setting a trap or evading the struggle which is necessary to grow.
Jesus didn’t answer such questions. When closed minded people asked him a closed question, he gave them a riddle or a parable which made them come up with the answer. It also reveal their hypocrisy.

It is a dangerous thing to be closed minded.
It just might keep us from ever getting close
to the Kingdom of God.
Prayer thoughts for the week:
“Lord, keep my mind and heart open to the unexpected, where You are often hidden.
Help me to not be so closed minded that I cannot see another point of view.
Keep me from hypocrisy, which is born in a closed heart and mind.”
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