"I have come that you might have life, and have it abundantly." Jesus
Thornton Wilder in his play “Our Town” has Emily, the young bride who had died in childbirth, ask, in a return to live over one day with her family, ask: “Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?” The answer given is, “No, the Saints and poets maybe, they do some.”
It is so easy to live for yesterday or tomorrow and miss today.
It is so easy to live for self alone and forget the joy of companionship.
We must realize that life is a spiritual journey and it’s abundance is to be discovered on the way. It is discovered as it is shared with others and as we open ourselves to new possibilities.
There is a lot of wisdom for living life today and therein discovering the abundant life in the words of Dr. Diana L. Hayes (first African American woman to earn a Pontifical Doctorate in Theology):
“This is our calling as Christian faithful: to recognize the Christ in everyone. And to reach out a hand of hope, to speak a word of love, to sing a song of happiness, to share a tear of joy or pain, to speak a word of praise, to murmur a prayer, to stand together against those forces that would divide us, isolate us, and block our flow toward home.”

“This is our calling…
to reach out a hand of hope,
to speak a word of love,
to sing a song of happiness.
to share a tear of joy or pain…
to stand together against those
forces that would divide us…”
Dr. Diana L. Hayes
Prayer thought for the week: “Lord, help me to discover the abundant life as I recognize You in everyone. And to be abundantly open to standing together will all you created and love.”
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